Dr. Maimuna (Maia) Majumder (she/they) is an Assistant Professor and Inaugural Peter Szolovits Distinguished Scholar in the Computational Health Informatics Program @ Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital. Her research applies artificial intelligence & machine learning methods to public health problems, with a focus on infectious disease surveillance using search query, mobile phone, and news+social media data. Since January 2020, Maia and her team have been actively responding to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. When she isn’t at work, Maia can usually be found painting portraits, making music, or writing stories. Her first-ever novel—THE GUNPOWDER DOCTRESS—is represented by Valerie Noble at Donaghy Literary.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, PhD in Engineering Systems ’18 • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, SM in Engineering Systems ’15 • Tufts University School of Medicine, MPH in Epidemiology & Biostatistics ’13 • Tufts University, BS in Engineering Science (Civil & Environmental Concentration) ’12 • Harvard Medical School, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Health Policy Data Science ’19 • HealthMap, Graduate Fellowship in Computational Epidemiology ’18 • ICDDRB, Field Work ’13

TEACHING: HST.936 Global Health Informatics +Textbook »
CONTACT: maimuna [dot] majumder [at] childrens [dot] harvard [dot] edu